Momotaro 69

The Limited Edition Of Crazyman In The World !

Demanding Equality Standard of Public Pissing and Toilet System

A society where i live in and avarage of society that i know have a tradition where men love to piss anywhere they please at public from corner of building, river, even at a middle of the crowd whereas you will never found women do that (atleast very rare maybe very very poor women did that). If a women dare to pee at public my society will interference it. Well this double standard sometime make me wonder why if women peeing at public, she will be labelled “bad” women whereas guy are still labelled as “good” guy if he did it also why its okey for women too see men peeing but its count as disrespect-objectified women if men see a women peeing. For me personally as a male is this is unequal double standard.

My other argument are this unfair habits make a society look contrast, my society are Muslim majority so you will realize that women dressed mannerly (which even still interference by society even what she wear was proper) even women use double or triple of layer even in hijab ifthey go out to public, a little opened dressed will seem very taboo in this place, but the male are very contrast here they are more vulgar at public but seemed as okay like use short at public, changing pants at public, zip opened, pee at public sometime like exhebionist, male theft will be likely to stripped till full naked whereas women theft not even be touch. You can see what i mean contrast? In what’s legal to exposed and in their respond.

Women will try to “protect” their anatomy to be seen by men, they dislike men see it at public but men shamelessly exposed their bird for peeing at public.

Men are more lazy and dirty than a women in here, even many public toilet men will just easily exposed their “bird” for peeing…hei they even not try to pee in more covered placed but pee in a place where can be easily seen by crowd and think it is safe. That’s what i dislike from men attitude, this is sexist gender role we as a men must act like that? No way!

Some say women pee more “opened” than a men, hmm i only half agree with this statement because its not always men are more safe when pissing and women must more “opened” if pissing because if women wear a big/long enough skirt she will more “safe” just like male pee version, women can pee in standing position too and have tool for it and as i have said men pee sometime their underwear even penis can be seen- i dont know how many girl accidentaly see penis at public if men always shamelessy pee like that.

In toilet too, nowadays i realize that women cleaner can free to enter male toilet, hei there is a urinal in it, she can see men peeing and as usual male cleaner are forbidd to enter women toilet even if you will just see women washing hand if enter. This is double standard in legal system and i feel no privacy if women free to enter men toilet as she pleased but as a male i have less rights to complained.

I’m not sissy but this double standard, contrast respond just because based on gender pissed me off.
I wish we have more fair standard about toilet in legal system.

i can’t forced about men pissing public tradition but atleast if men still peeing at public don’t pee like exhebionist!

Sometime its funny to see public reaction if women show her cleveage, public reaction like seeing women naked but men pee penis shown public reaction just like “Oh it’s only cleveage”.
Revolution towards equality.


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